Wednesday, July 09, 2008

Take care...

*Sigh... It's been a while since the previous post. Can't say I've been better much. Well I think I got over most of that empty melancholic feeling, but I still ain't completely okay. Every now and then I still feel... sad. Well, it takes time to get better I guess. When dealing with all the conflicts within oneself, I learnt that everyone has a choice. I choose to be the best of myself =)

Alright, enough of this crazy depressed sh*t, here's some random stuffs... Haha

Been watching some videos on youtube. Dang, these dancers are dope! Rob Hoffman, Adam Servani, Travis Wall are crazy-a*s DOPE! Do look up on them on youtube if you guys have the time. Ummmmm, better not look up on them if you are easily offended, hahaha...

Somehow, I got the job of doing RS modern dance's open house item. Dang, I hope I can pull this off. It's not gonna be easy for me. Ain't cut out to do this kinda thing. I sucked big time when I did FTP's danceworks. Hope I'll do a better job on this. Gotta stay confident! (haha, all the useless self-encouragement :p)

The 3-person dance for August's performance is still in the making. Haha, hope it gets done asap, coz there's like what, just about 2 months left before showtime. I don't wanna screw this up too. Haha, my role in the item is a suffering victim, a D.I.D (damsel in distress), haha kidding. I'm a V.I.P (victim in pain).

Oh yea, watched Hancock today. It's a great movie. Humorous and action-packed at the same time. The storyline isn't pretty good though. A great movie to watch, especially when you're feeling =( with nothing better to do. The character John Hancock, proofed that you can change as long as you are willing to. You can change if you give yourself a chance. Yup, that sure helped a lot, if you know what I mean =p Haha... Peace y'all.

OMG, my dog just ate a lizard, which is so disgusting. She's never gonna lick my face again :P Now I know where all the pimples came from :p

Haha, that's all I could think of for now. Now that I think about it, I wonder who visits this page anyway. Maybe I should start writing more productive stuff instead of all these nonsense.... ... ... ... ... Nah. We'll see...

Hang in there. Please.


Unknown said...

Hey happened to stumble across your blog! :) Pretty serious stuff ey? XD

my blog. :)

anonymityisme said...

i'm one of the rs dancers btw. browse blogs randomly, came across yours.