Friday, December 28, 2012

Can't sleep 2

No matter how much we believe or don't believe this, I think the people around you changes and moulds the kind of person we are. Who you are, what you do, how you think. Throughout our life, we change and we grow. Life experiences, little, big or small changes us.

I feel myself turning into people I have come to hate.

And to some people, I am probably just a passer-by, a stranger, a coincidence.

最后痛苦的只是我. I've lost almost all my self-worth. What more does my self inflicted pain and hate want to take from me.

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Can't sleep 1

I have many things to do. Sometimes I don't understand why I am doing what I do. But I cannot stop to think. At least for now. Just keep going. I'm afraid if I stop to think clearly I might just break down. Let this be a race towards 2013. Please just me let pull through the last few trying weeks of this dreadful year.

I feel better as I learn to take away the "I" and the "me" from my life.

Saturday, November 10, 2012


The day I grow up would be when I start considering what's best for myself. To take control and dictate my own life. I am struggling with myself.

Confidence is a personality that shines when reflected in the right way.

I don't have a very good feeling about it all.

Thursday, November 08, 2012

Time: 0153am

我常常都说到却没做到,真失败。让自己失望,让别人失望。 Tonight I am just feeling blue. Feeling alone. Tonight I am not hopeful but tomorrow, another day ahead I gotta make it count. Tonight is almost over, let the day begin with an ease of heart and positivity in mind. 我真的想坚强一点,成熟一点,聪明一点,勇敢一点。将来才能照顾我心爱的人。不能放弃。

Monday, November 05, 2012


坚强不待表我不难过。 心里的雨还是下着不停。 我真的很累了。

Thursday, November 01, 2012

Friday, August 17, 2012



Thursday, August 09, 2012


今晚和朋友聊了满多,有很多事情我得好好想。有些问题的答案不在手中就不要去想了。但事实在面前就要接受吧。至少要让自己看清一点,生活要有一个目标!不要再让身边的人担心或失望了。更不想让他们放弃我!很迟了,我脑子也不清醒了。明天更好的一天,加油吧朋友们。 (U.u)zzZZZ

Thursday, August 02, 2012



Sunday, July 29, 2012


每一天像今天一样就好。就算只是朋友也好,把我当是好友也好。有她在身边的日子我很快乐。她眼睛总挂着的欢喜,我很喜欢。不能做男友不重要,我只希望永远能看到她的笑容。我想如果自己能学会不要带着什么要求可望,我也有办法开心一点。 这么多年来,喜欢一个人不容易,也不难。要难过还是快乐是自己的选择。白痴的我只会往坏的一面想。现在,我想学会开朗一点,多笑一点。自己心里真正的快乐,才可以带给别人幸福。 有时只是一两天不见面,或是几个小时,我就想她了。我,是疯了吗。还是一个败给情的傻瓜?连自己的心,我都无法了解。

Sunday, July 22, 2012


A girl asked me; 为什么男人总是做了事过后才后悔... I cannot say for sure how true that is. Or whether it applies to everyone... But as for myself.. 很多事我是没有做才后悔.

Wednesday, July 04, 2012


So close... Yet so far. If only things were much simpler... I don't know what to do. Feeling troubled. I should be happy. I must not be selfish. My mind is playing mind games with me tonight. And I am hungry. >_<"

Friday, June 29, 2012


29th June. 28th June. A month since ORD... Has been quite fulfilling I guess. Slowly adjusting back to the heavier load of dancing. Performing with SCGS was a blast. The girls really inspired me with their passion. I hope I can train myself back in time for the upcoming performance. And also, Oh man...

Truth is, I don't want the July performance to end so quick. I really like her, and it hurts that I cannot be with her. I cannot be selfish.

Her happiness is more important than mine. Can I really learn to be this self-less? I must not be selfish.

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Keep holding on. At times it's seen as wonderful, sometimes sweet. Tonight, it just seems foolish stubborn and pathetic. Somewhere out there, I'm probably just like a bad joke that they can laugh about.

Friday, June 08, 2012


Wednesday, June 06, 2012

Bigger World

Tonight I really feel like a small fish in a vast ocean...

Saturday, June 02, 2012

New Life same Person
