Monday, July 05, 2010


It's a Monday. It's Youth Day. Am I still considered youth? Turning 20 this year, so with a digit 2 in front, is it adult already? How come there is no Adult Day? Maybe there is nothing much to celebrate as an adult =/ Or maybe they have too many special days reserved for them already, like Labour Day, Father's Day, Mother's Day. But no wait that's for parents. Ok too bad... Maybe someone needs to come up with an Adult Day.

These two weeks has been... colourful. I am having fun almost every single day =) Gotta enjoy it while it last. Even all those 'bad', 'weird', or even 'Samantha Who inspired' dreams won't darken the day... Haha, but I think if I catch a horror movie, 'creative' nightmares will start pouring in. Ok anyway, good food, good experience, good company, all's good!

I've got to stop hoping for something that isn't going to happen. Sooner or later I have to accept that I will be doing National Service for 1year 10months. It's not that long, but I feel that it's long!!! If I could study further, I would have wanted to, continue on a dance degree like many of my classmates/friends. That would have been great...

Okay enough of the daydreaming... O_o" What's important is to think ahead to the future, after that 1year 10months, where things can be changed, starting from the present. I STILL DON'T KNOW WHAT I WANT TO DO. Whatever it is, I want to do something that I would enjoy. THe idea of working in RuiQi dance academy or company sounds really cool, one can always dream right? Not gonna let 'the man' get me down. 'Dance Admin' can take a back seat for now... I'll rather be cooking or something, though I cannot cook.

Mr and Mrs Chong's wedding! The couple of the year.

Off to find breakfast... =)

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