Monday, May 24, 2010

What ifs

Never thought I would feel like this again. It makes me feel alive, happy; at the same time I know that I am going to die sooner or later. Things change, and nothing is always the same, you, me, them, everyone. But some things are very hard to change, whether I want to or not. It's just of those days where it's those "it's just me" problems.

Ever felt helpless and depressed, that's kind of how I am feeling now. Please let this be just another phase, and I wish it would be gone soon if it isn't going to do me any good.

One thing I learn is to treasure what was and not mourn over what was not. Look forward and don't look back... Fearful of life, fearful of the future. I don't want to risk losing what I hold dear. I want to be normal again, before I do something stupid.

Okay looking forward to tomorrow, hopefully a day of pizza for lunch and a jazz class at night. Peace out.

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