Monday, January 04, 2010

First Post 2010!

Oh yea, this is my first post of 2010! And I am like 4 days late.

School hasn't started for me yet. Just gonna go back for rehearsal and a performance this week. The real school term starts next week, complete with all its brain-wrecking assignments and torturous classes. Let's hope I get to do something I like for Dance Cultures. I wanna write a paper on a Chinese Folk Dance, if I am allowed to. As for performance theory, let's just say I got a long way to go. Gotta read more and be more knowledgeble about ideals, theories and performative studies. All the why this and why thats. As for my dancing, well just gotta "Go Hard or Go Home". Haha...

End of my life as I know it. Well end of my holiday life to be exact. My mind is still not ready. The taste of freedom seems so far... Hahaha. It's not that I don't like to go there. I just wish I had time for myself; to think or to do what I want. But if I do, I may end up being a slacker. Oh well, can't have the best of both worlds.

Gonna do Ba Lang again this weekend. I need to have a practise before the rehearsal and the actual performance.

How long can I keep this up? Chasing these... dreams? Where's my plan B, I don't have one.

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