Sunday, January 31, 2010


Hopelessly Devoted to You


So old school, not my generation. But some things never change.

Friday, January 29, 2010


轨迹- 周杰伦

I know this song is old. I happen to come across it again when I was digging through my old burnt cds. And I was like... Hmmm... why so sad one =p Hahaha... Enjoy!

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Late post

I should be sleeping now, but I thought I'll just update a bit. *Cough!

Having a very bad case of non-stop coughing. I feel like I am coughing my lungs out. Feel so out of breath and to make things worse, I sweat a lot from working the muscles to cough. Haha... This is a good way to train abs =p

The funny thing is I am fine the whole day, with just occasional burst of cough. But as night approaches, that's where the nightmare comes. I turn into this coughing monster, breathing in huge amount of air, and sometimes gets a choking sensation and releases multiple coughs. Okay, that's not funny, but seriously I think it's killing my lungs and throat. Even now I am coughing and sweating. It's best when I sleep, don't think I cough when I sleep. First thing I do when I wake up in the morning is breathe in the fresh air and go *cough! -_-" Man... I wish it gets better soon.

Is my body falling apart? *cough! And another thing is... my knee hurts today. More than usual. I have no idea why, I didn't do anything to aggravate it. I hope it gets better, or at least get to the normal injured state that it has always been in.

I am going to miss opera. I am going to miss all the rehearsals where we would meet up like almost every night. Okay that is just random. Maybe I'll write more on this soon, if there's time.

Haha... Had a wonderful lunch last Saturday. Pizza Hut and Starbucks. Best lah, and my wallet got a lot lighter after that.


If the future depends on a choice between past and present, which one will I choose?

Monday, January 18, 2010

A Weekend

Was involved in the Lasalle Open House last friday and saturday. Strange that's it called open house now, coz usually we refer to it as C-Day. Maybe that didn't make sense to most people so they change to the more literal "Open House". Anyway, if you guys have been to Lasalle before you would have realized that the walls inside the school are painted by the students. Before the open house, the walls are all painted white again -_-" Gonna miss some of the paintings. So these few days, the arts students are painting new works on the walls. Saw quite a few jap-themed paintings. No more Joker Face painting. Haha...

Our dance faculty presnted three pieces, Loretta Livingstons's piece, Tammy's Bach solo, and Grace's hip-hop piece. I know the hip-hop piece is a high energy piece that drive the crowd, but I hope it doesn't give them the wrong assumption that hip-hop dance is one of our modules. Hmmm, I wonder how it'll be like if it is... Haha, can't imagine me popping and locking and doing contemp at the same time every morning.

I went to see the Fashion department's booth. They showed some designs by the students and there was also a projection on the wall that was playing one of their runway shows! I thought that was so cool! The F flexible space was transformed into a runway where the models enter from the door and did the catwalk. They had mostly angmoh models and some locals. I wonder where they got the models from. Sian, short person like me will never get to catwork down a high fashion runway show =/ Not that I care... =p Oh... and I saw this quote at the gallery:

"Perfection is regressive. It makes teenage girls aneroxic, academics neurotic, and artists act like a*sholes."

Watched Albert's "The Passing" on Saturday night. BELIEVE IT OR NOT, I DIDN'T FALL ASLEEP. I watched the whole piece. Kind of offends me how surprised the lasalle peeps were that I didn't doze off -.-" Hahaha... Well the piece is about death and how people perceive it to be. What can I say, the whole piece is.... deep. To be honest, I don't really understand what the whole thing is trying to say. Maybe that's why I was awake, trying very hard to understand and enlighten myself. The Frontier dancers are very good as always. Made used of speech too, in Mandarin of course.

The following weeks are gonna be busy. Oh! I may get a chance to do the Omar chair solo for FWM =) I hope I won't disappoint anyone. Okay, jiayou dance cultures. Jiayou performance theory. Jiayou FWM. Jiayou Coppelia maybe :p Franz better come back soon and improve on his horrible technique.

I don't know what mattters to me. What is important, what is not?

Haha... a random thought, PIZZA HUT!

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Needs to sleep more

Realized I haven't been posting things here recently. Been quite tied up with stuff. Having the same problem again, too many commitments. Is two considered too many? Haha, I guess in a way it is coz there is only one of me! I can't be at two places at one time.

Even though I'm not doing any super heavy physical stuff, I feel so worn out. Lack of sleep, and lack of some free time for myself. Is it selfish of me to ask for some time to do things I wanna do? Haha...

Going back to school felt both relieving and depressing. Well at least I am doing something... But I feel so out of place, not just in school but in those two other places too.

Now I'm just kinda motivated and not motivated at the same time. Looking at my pathetic body, I wanna work hard to be better, I also wanna just give up. What's not to be is not to be. Unless advances in technology allow me to tweak parts of my body. I don't ask for much, just give me a more danceable body and mind =p

Life's just not the same anymore. It changed.

Will update again next time with something that more worth talking about... -_-"

Monday, January 04, 2010

First Post 2010!

Oh yea, this is my first post of 2010! And I am like 4 days late.

School hasn't started for me yet. Just gonna go back for rehearsal and a performance this week. The real school term starts next week, complete with all its brain-wrecking assignments and torturous classes. Let's hope I get to do something I like for Dance Cultures. I wanna write a paper on a Chinese Folk Dance, if I am allowed to. As for performance theory, let's just say I got a long way to go. Gotta read more and be more knowledgeble about ideals, theories and performative studies. All the why this and why thats. As for my dancing, well just gotta "Go Hard or Go Home". Haha...

End of my life as I know it. Well end of my holiday life to be exact. My mind is still not ready. The taste of freedom seems so far... Hahaha. It's not that I don't like to go there. I just wish I had time for myself; to think or to do what I want. But if I do, I may end up being a slacker. Oh well, can't have the best of both worlds.

Gonna do Ba Lang again this weekend. I need to have a practise before the rehearsal and the actual performance.

How long can I keep this up? Chasing these... dreams? Where's my plan B, I don't have one.