Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Time for some treats

Ok, I know this is random...

So many movies I wanna watch!
- Terminator Salvation
- Transformers Revenge of the Fallen
- Night at the Museum 2
- Monsters vs Aliens
- Dance Subaru
- Up

So many food I wanna eat
- Pizza Hut
- Pastamania
- Scissors curry rice
- Cai peng
- Koi bubble tea

Get well soon Elibird! Then you can treat me all these =p Ahahaha...

Oh, went to take Ryan's Lyrical Jazz class at Oschool yesterday. Haha, it was so packed, as usaul. Had fun... Haven't taken jazz classes in a long time. Hiphop also. I hope my knee isn't wearing out any time soon. Feel so tired zzz... But I'll keep at it anyway, gotta work on my lousy technique. JIAYOU LAH!


1 comment:

Unknown said...

-_- you wish la. haha but we go watch harry potter 6 OKAY?!?!?! Or transformers I don't mind but must watch HP! XD