Sunday, March 16, 2008

Be happy.

I wanna live a better life. A happier life. My mother says I'm not allowing myself to. Guess she's right. I'm the one grieving over something long gone. I'm trying to find it back and fail everytime. Keep falling and falling. Useless and pointless.

I want to smile and laugh about it but I just can't.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

keep falling and falling is only useless if you dont learn nothing.

im falling rigth now, my girldfriend kick me, but i learn a lot of stuffs, even if i still cant stop of think in she

i read you blog and i fell identified and i like to write, a lot. So, cheer up, and if you dont want cheer up, dont care, if you want to be sad and alone you are in your perfect rigth.

only you have to complace yourself and you dont have nothing to demostrate to nothing to anyone.

im chilean and my inglish sucks XD
gretings and good bye