Tuesday, February 12, 2008

What a year.

I read through my posts here in 2007. I realized I don't talk much about the two of us. It's mostly about my silly problems with dance, especially the dec showcase. I guess the reason why I didn't write much about that is I hope someday,you'll come across this page, and understand more abt me. You never did of course. Haha...

It ended somewhere in July. I guess I was taking it quite well for a while. Then in August, that's when I started cracking up. Every now and then there were melancholic entries by a very depressed, heart-broken man. (Well, most of the time actually, I realized :p)

Hate it when I grieve over the past. Nothing's gonna come out of it. "Move on dude."

I miss you. I really do.

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