Was damn nervous before we went up. When the first group went up, I was like, "Sh*t, we're gonna embarass ourselves." Luckily, we were not before the army boys group. They could literally OWN us. I guess we didn't threw our faces after all.
MATKinc. was doing their thang as usual. Those kids are damn good at what they're doing... Their instructor must have something for Michael Jackson. All his choreography have a piece of his song. And this time, one of the kids even did a MJ impersonation. Very cool. They got the 1st runner up.
For the open catergory, I was shocked when Blast Junior High won. Their dance was so rated 18. Haha, they were all dressed as nerdy students and they dance in a "horny" way. Actually this was an idea from SYTYCD. There was a routine by Shane Sparks which was like this. Even the song is the same. I thought they wouldn't win. But when I watch their dance again on youtube... man, they were really good! But it's hard to see their nice choreo, unless you're able to pull your eyes away from the mini skirts the gals were wearing =p
Oh ya, and here's a group pic we took. Let me explain why Boon and I had this stupid face. Engkiat told us to pull an ugly face for the shot. But in the end we kena pangseh. Oh well.... Jesper isn't in this pic as he had to rush to work =(

We had a great time. And it was a meaningful experience for me.
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