Viktor Navorsky(Tom Hanks) is such a noble person. He's loyal to his country and to his friends too. Aiyah! Forgot the names of his three friends. One is the food guy, the janitor and a fat guy. My favourite part of the show is when the janitor took his mob to stop the plane so that the flight to Krokosia is delayed. This shows that he's a great friend. He's willing to stop that plane so that Viktor will go to New York City even though he knew he will get arrested for it.
I also admire Viktor. He traveled all the way to New York just to get the signature of a Jazz musician for his father. If I was him, I would not go through all that trouble. I would most probably give up. And he also did many things for Amelia. He bought a nice suit and he even built a fountain for her. Wow! He's really good at construction stuff.

After, the movie, went to blow to blow bubbles with Hanni Jie. Haha, we blow until we were out of breath. I didn't know blowing bubbles was such a tough job. Hehe.. I'm too lazy to upload pictures of the bubbles. But you can go to Hanni Jie's blog to see the pics :) The bubbles cannot be seen clearly as it was quite dark... I had a great time even though it was a bit messy... opps.. I mean very messy. My hands gett all sticky and my face too when the bubbles burst in front of my face... :P
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